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Mindful Eating: Nourishing Your Body and Soul

Welcome to spring! As we celebrate longer days and warmer weather, it’s time to start participating in spring cleaning. While some may clear out the clutter drawer or reduce clothes in closets, I want us to turn inward and consider improving our bodies and souls through mindful eating and exercise.

In everything we do, practicing mindfulness is a great way to improve our health. Whether it be the amount of screen time we participate in or our sugar intake, being mindful of ourselves and our surroundings is key to a happy and healthy lifestyle. Harvard Chan states,  “Mindfulness is an intentional focus on one’s thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in the present moment. Mindfulness targets becoming more aware of, rather than reacting to, one’s situation and choices.” How can we practice mindfulness when it comes to eating and exercising in a holistic way?

Mindful eating presents itself as more than portion sizes, it also considers: where the food was sourced; how your body feels before, after, and during eating; how you eat; and how much you eat. When hungry, we can quickly dive right into the meal and not stop until full or past full. Mindful eating practices pausing for reflection and a more enjoyable meal. As you eat, remember to allow time between intervals to allow your brain to catch up with your body – you don’t want to stuff yourself full! If you are looking for holistic meal ideas, I suggest finding recipes on the Holistic Foodie website.

Being mindful during exercises is important to ensure your workout is beneficial and not harmful to your body. A lot of things affect your body and play a role in the success of a workout, like sleep, diet, and for women, hormone cycles. To have the best success for a workout, take into consideration your surroundings. Have they helped or hindered you, and how can you move forward with a positive exercise experience? Be intentional about the exercise you decided to participate in, and choose one that will best support you. During warm up, set goals for the day. Those might include how long you want to exercise or what weight you want to attempt to lift.  As you engage in your exercise, listen to your body. Ensure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard so you can prevent damage, and take note of what works well for you. During cool down, reflect on what worked well. Celebrate the achievements you accomplished and consider how you can continue to improve yourself during your exercise journey.

Mindfulness can place itself into any aspect of our lives. Deciding to choose better for your mind, body, and spirit is the first step to creating a better life for yourself. If you are looking for holistic health tips, contact me today for a personal consultation. Cheers!

By |2024-03-01T14:59:06+00:00March 1, 2024|Holistic Health|

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